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Join us on the third Tuesday of every month from 6 10 pm, at Golden Valley when a portion of sales is donated to fund academic programs at all 53 public schools of Beaverton.
Providing comprehensive solutions to ending homelessness and achieving self-sufficiency.
House of Dreams provides shelter and care for abandoned and homeless cats, with the goal of finding them permanent homes or providing them a lifetime home in our facility. We are a free-roam, no-kill cat shelter located in Portland, OR, and one of the only area shelters with facilities for Feline Leukemia positive kitties.
Kitchen program and safe space. We mentor, building trust and hope. Education, arts and recreation. Our training programs transition youth off the streets. Barista school, gallery, and bike mechanic school. 6 pm to 10 pm.
Meet the Resident Services staff. Apply for Free Home Repairs. See the latest REACH event. The latest images on Twitter. For for the Sixth Year.
Visit Dirksen Nature Park Education Center. Become A Volunteer Naturalist Field Trip Leader. Become a Volunteer Paddle Trip Assistant. Businesses That Support Tualatin Riverkeepers.
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3910 se stark
portland, Oregon, 97214
1x12 min Vorrunde, 2x8 min ab der Zwischenrunde. Viele Kinder stehen aufgrund schwieriger familiärer Verhältnisse im Abseits der Gesellschaft. Deshalb haben es sich die Organisatoren der CCC-Events auf die Fahnen geschrieben diese Kinder Pass für Pass wieder ins Spiel des Lebens zurück zu führen, um ihnen eine torreiche Zukunft zu bescheren. Seit 2010 wird die Organ.
Zeitungs- und Presseartikel über Charity-Event e. Wir glauben daran, dass jeder Mensch eine. Faire Chance auf Bildung haben muss. Wir glauben daran, dass jeder Mensch eine faire Chance auf Bildung haben muss.
Middot; Dance and Movement. Put this list on your website. An awesome place for fellow Arts and Culture lovers around our city to meet, attend and organize events, share ideas and interests! Middot; Live Music.
We offer strategic planning, bid writing services and more to fantastic causes like CYT. We support great Charities like PIP with their fundraising and development. Fundraising consultants with a track record of success. We are a leading team of fundraising consultants with over 100 years. We have supported over 250 charities and social enterprises. Charity Evaluation, Impact Monitoring and Training.